Wednesday, April 2, 2008

MySpace @ your library

I found through one of my friends, Glendale's Teen MySpace page. Their teen area in the library is called "Quaranteen". The way the teen librarians use MySpace is really fun. They are able to post book lists, have authors do a live chat with teens via MySpace, and post upcoming events for teens. While some may not have a MySpace account, their friends probably will and can spread the word about author chats, booksignings, cool and cutting edge booklists (take a look at their website for these booklists) and some fun and quirky contests and blogs the librarians write. MySpace really does work at libraries, if given the chance.

Friday, March 21, 2008

LibraryThing is truly a fun and useful little tool! You can download it onto your phone and take it with you while you go book shopping and never get the same book twice! This is a good thing if you have a largeish library that you wish to expand! Yes, I'm a book nerd and love book shopping. Not much on shoes shopping though. Take a look at the first 5 books I entered. I may add more, when I get the time!

Generate this!

This was a fun exercise. I tried Generator Blog, Letter James and FD Toys. Of these I liked Generator Blog the best. It was easy to use and with a sizeable list wasn't very hard to find a generator I liked. There were plenty of fun ones that might be useful in the future. The Letter James had a very cool idea of making your own calendar and FD Toys had other fun ideas I may use in the future for different craft ideas for teens and or kids.

I found two generators I liked the best. Both are Snowflake generators but are unique in their own right. &


Thursday, March 20, 2008

"Feed" me Seymour...

Goodness, this was a funny movie. Can't help but think of "Little Shop of Horrors" when I look at RSS feeds. Some feeds I found while surfing were: Cross Blog & my favorite, A Legacy of Laughs, featuring some of the old time radio comedians (Jack Benny, Abbott and Costello, Uncle Miltie, Mel Blanc & many more!)

I played around with all the suggested search tools for feeds but found Blogline's Search tool the easiest and quickest to use. I like to laugh and craft so I chose these. I also found some feeds, that in the description looked promising, but alas they had died and were no longer available.

RSS Feeds

Me personally I'm not a big RSS feed fan. My dad, on the other hand, is a news junkie. He would totally love this tool. I try to avoid the news at all costs. I really haven't thought much about the benefit of using this with the library, however I'm sure there's a very nifty and informative use for this too. I may go home this weekend and show dad how to use this and see if he likes this any better than azcentral and the major national news channels (you know the ones I mean).

Forgot one thing...Take a look at the feeds I added. They may look familiar but enjoy all the same!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Technology...isn't it great?!

Well, who knew? I think my grandparents would have been absolutely amazed with the speed and the decreasing size of technological materials. Two of my grandparents lived long enough to see the room-sized computers. I'm pretty sure if someone from the future came back to tell them that there would be computers smaller than an average-sized lap, they would have never believed them. But, my grandfather, would have been tickled to have gotten to play with the technology, being a gadget freak as he was. And here I am, their granddaughter, writing a blog using technology, I never thought would exist. Who knew?! I do think, that when technology works, it is a fantastic way to keep in touch and share opinions about day to day life, share photos and travel experiences with friends and family across the world.

Flickr fun

Having just got back from Thailand, thought I'd search Flickr for a recognizable picture. I found one. Go to the following link,, and take a look at a "tuk tuk (toook toook)" or a three wheeled taxi-like automobile. If you're brave enough, these are a fantastic and resonably priced way to see Thailand. My friends and I got two tuk tuks for the day and got to see so many awesome sites and had the hassle of finding transport taken from our minds. We got to see the Luck Buddha temple in Bangkok, the Grand Palace (the one spoken of in the book The English Governess at the Siamese Court.), and numerous other temples. Our two drivers were like our own personal tour guides. We had loads of fun and they got a pretty nice tip and a generous gas coupon from one of our stops our guides insisted upon. All in all, if you get the chance to travel to Thailand, tuk tuks are the way to go.